YSP Inauguration Assembly in Miyazaki #Japan

On July 5, the IAYSP Japan Miyazaki chapter organized an inauguration assembly for YSP centring on their theme, “Let’s create a new future with us.” The inauguration made for a wonderful event that brought the participation of one hundred fifty-eight youth and VIPs.

Opening the program, the youth performed a fabulous traditional dance that created a joyful atmosphere for the audience. 
Ensuingly, the YSP Miyazaki adviser, together with a city council member, gave congratulatory remarks and two youths provided a presentation. The presenters suggested ideas to solve social issues using S!NERGY as an example. This was followed by a wonderful speech for youth by Mr Hiroaki Takeuchi, President of IAYSP Japan. 
The event finished with a declaration of the successful inauguration of YSP Miyazaki.