Youth Forum #Gabon

On April 10, 2021, IAYSP Gabon implemented the first youth forum with the theme, “The education of youth to consolidate moral and ethical values.”

The youth forum was joined by: Honorary President of the National Youth Council of Gabon, and Mr. Jerry Bibang, Secretary General of PAYNCoP (Pan-African Youth Network for a Culture of Peace). Additional attendees included: Mrs. Macy Ilema, a Youth Heroes’ awardee and singer; Mr. Schadrak Mpaki, President of the National Union of Students from Gabon; and Mr. Bourobou Bourobou Ulrich, IAYSP National President.

Centred upon the main theme, two sub-themes were discussed – the impact of education on young people and the solution to consolidate moral and ethical values.

The six panelists were each able to share their perspectives and the importance of these themes within the societal environment.
In the end, five Ambassadors for Peace were nominated. The forum saw the participation of forty-five people across various broadcasting platforms.