Youth Forum: Education and the University in the Transformation of Young People into Society #Panama

On Wednesday July 29, IAYSP Panama had the opportunity to hold the youth forum, “Education and the University in the Transformation of young people towards Society“. Aylin de Lora was MC, in conjunction with CARP; Academic Members for the Search for Principles, and UPF; Universal Federation for Peace.
This activity was carried out over Zoom in the organization and joint participation of Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Costa Rica, with ten participants and others attending on Facebook Live.

The program consisted of a first section that included introductory remarks by Mr. Eliecer Caballero, the President of IAYSP Panama; words of motivation by Mr. Toribio De Lora, the President of UPF Panama; and a special message by Mr. Jake Lavina, the President of IAYSP Central America.
As the central part of this activity, there were presentations given by three young panelists from Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Panama.
Towards the end of the program, Youth Ambassadors of Peace certificates were awarded.