Weekly Meetings with YSP Volunteers #Moldova

On September 9, 23, and 30, 2022, the Youth and Students for Peace – Moldova organized meetings for the volunteers at the Peace Embassy, in Chisinau with 36 participants in total.

The purpose of these weekly meetings was for young people to spend time together – to build their friendships, share, ventilate emotionally, make plans for the future, and analyze past activities.

On September 9, they talked about various topics and conducted a questionnaire which helped them reflect on being part of the organization, how they could help its development, and what they would like to change. Some of the results were the following:

  • 50% of the volunteers are satisfied with the YSP activities 10/10
  • 30% of the volunteers are satisfied with the YSP activities 9/10
  • 60% of the volunteers feel 10/10 well at the Peace Embassy
  • 30% of the volunteers feel 9/10 well at the Peace Embassy

On the 23rd, they spent time speaking about ways to get to know each other better.

And on the 30th, the young volunteers spent time together playing volleyball and card games, learning dances, singing, drinking tea, and sharing.

Among the volunteers, there are Russian, Romanian, English, Bulgarian, and Indian speakers – people with different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. This variety makes their conversations interesting and diverse as they get to learn how to make friends with everyone and eliminate any perceived barriers.