S!NERGY x Central Africa

On December 5, 2020, at 3 pm IAYSP Central Africa Sub-Region Three held a S!NERGY program.
There were candidates attending from five nations (Angola, Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, and DRC). The judges’ table was composed of the following: His Excellency Bob Bavuidi, former Education and Youth Minister from DRC; Dr. José Carlos, Businessman and appointed Ambassador for Peace by YSP Angola; Mr. Betbero Yannick, Adviser to Minister of Telecommunication in Cameroon; Mrs. Rebecca Mantata, Entrepreneur from Congo Brazzaville; and Mr. Iwanggou Islain, Professor in Computer Electronics from Gabon.

Through this S!NERGY event, IAYSP joined together with people from all around the world to commemorate the UN International Volunteers Day. Mr. Nchia Kamaran, the IAYSP President of Cameroon, was the MC for the event, assisted by Inyeon Moffo (Cameroon) for French translation and Mr. Antonio Mateus Capita (Angola) for the Portuguese translation. Everyone viewed the combined refrain of participating nations’ National Anthems before presenting the introductory video of IAYSP.

Each participant presented their peace projects. After evaluation from the judges, the Head of the Jury, Dr. José Carlo, announced the final winning recipients.
The first winner was from Angola and the second winner was from Gabon.

The program concluded with closing remarks from Mr. Achille Mouanda, Sub-Regional IAYSP President for Central Africa Region. He gave thanks to the founder of IAYSP, Dr. Hak Jan Han Moon, for working tirelessly to build a peaceful world and emphasized the importance of youth and students’ role in realizing peace in their nations and the world.

The event was supported by the technical staff from Angola and Congo Brazzaville and sponsored by BSW, ISIPA University, Airtel, and UPF.