Snack Bag Gifts for Those in Need, Chicago #USA

On Wednesday, December 8, 2021, Youth and Students for Peace (YSP) Chicago collaborated on a service project hosted by another youth organization during their last on-campus meeting of the semester at Harper Community College.
The service project was prefaced with a brief introduction about YSP and its mission to inspire youth in taking action and creating peace, through service projects, within their communities. Service projects such as this, allows youth organizations the opportunity to put into practice the character education they learned and undertake activities that serve a community.

For this project, the group prepared snack bags for people in need at the All Saints Lutheran Church. All members and guests formed an assembly line around a table, writing positive affirmations on the bags, passing them down and placing an assortment of snacks inside, and even decorating unique bookmarks. As the bags made their way around the assembly line, the participating students and adults could socialize and share about the different service projects they had participated in before. Together, the group arranged nearly thirty snack bags for the church.