Peace Heroes – Dolores Huerta #Austria

On April 28, 2022, IAYSP Austria organized the fourth online event of the monthly series, “Peace Heroes.” The event proceeded with a presentation surrounding the inspiring life and achievements of Dolores Huerta by Julia Wang.

Si, si Puede! – Yes, we can! later adopted by President Obama – was the motto of Mrs. Huerta. She was instigating the non-violent revolution that was the National Farmworkers Association. Mrs. Huerta’s exploits for workers and immigrants, her community service, and advocacy for civil rights and women rights have earned her countless awards; one being the American Presidential Medal of Freedom.

As a role model to many in the Latino community, Huerta is the subject of several corridos or Mexican ballads. She is still particularly active in America and continues to contribute towards changing people’s lives. As Dolores Huerta Day is held on April 10, this Peace Heroes Event was dedicated to her.

After the talk, people could join in smaller discussion groups and share what they had learned and inspirations received from aspects of her life and achievements. Furthermore, participants had time to reflect on how to practice her quotes in their daily life.