Peace Education Tour (Benin)

In partnership with the City Mayor’s offices that gave IAYSP Autorisation of Sakete, Bopa, Djidja, and Bonou, the Peace Education Tour have been organized in 17 Secondary schools and one professional Training Center. In total, 6048 Secondary students have received education about the perspective of IAYSP on Sustainable Peace and Development.

The Tour went as follow:

Sakete: 6 Secondary schools and one professional training center with 2300 participants

Djidja: 5 Secondary schools with 1622 participants

Bopa: 3 secondary schools with 1271 participants

Bonou: 2 secondary schools with 751 participants

Abomey-Calavi: 1 secondary school with 104 participants

When we had a nonofficial meeting with the mayor of Abomey-Calavi, He suggested that IAYSP Staff arrange a program to organize the conference at even one school in Abomey-Calavi before the short vacation. Following the original schedule, Abomey calavi was going to be after the school vacations but, responding to the will of the city major, YSP also started it in Calavi city in Sainte Felicite school.