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Overcoming Pandemic COVID-19 Project #Senegal – IAYSP

Overcoming Pandemic COVID-19 Project #Senegal

The activity held on April 25, 2020, was part of IAYSP Senegal maximum prevention program held on the field, in collaboration with the youth of Tivaouane Peulh and with the Women’s Federation for World Peace Jamoo. This project not only brought awareness to people and supplied masks to places in risk, but also allowed YSP members to observe the reality of circumstances on the field and identify different problems needing addressing.

IAYSP Senegal, the Youth Association of Tivaouane Peulh and the Health Commission of the Youth Association worked together throughout the project.

They donated five hundred washable masks, hand-made by Jamoo. The distribution was as follows:

  1. One hundred masks for the Darou Salaam market.
  2. One hundred masks for the car repair shop of Tivaouane Peulh.
  3. One hundred masks for IAYSP HQ neighbours.
  4. Fifty masks for the Bus 69.
  5. Fifty masks for the Disabled Association of Tivaouane Peulh.
  6. Fifty masks for the Health Station of Tivaouane Peulh.
  7. Fifty masks for communities.

Due to the enthusiasm displayed by participants, they finished their distribution tour in less than two hours. Along with the help of the Health Commission, they could effectively provide guidance regarding the necessity of wearing masks and how to take care of them.

This activity was the second mask distribution. On March 18, 2020, IAYSP held the first distribution activity with one thousand masks. Due to previous experience, they could be better organized for this second session. Nevertheless, they identified several points to be improved as follows:

  1. YSP wanted to remind the Tivaouane Peulh Mayor about the insufficient supply of masks. YSP has already established a distribution strategy for a third session, with a more open outreach approach.
  2. Through the debriefing of this activity, YSP is planning to create a monitoring team – YSP noticed some people were not wearing their mask, prefer to leave them at their homes or in their pockets. In some cases, people only wore their mask after seeing YSP members wearing masks.
  3. YSP plans to have police support for the next session.