Online Meeting of IAYSP in Brazil-Rio Grande do Norte

On October 10, 2020, IAYSP Brazil-Rio Grande do Norte held its first online Youth Character Education meeting and has continued this series of meetings ever since. The event takes place live through Google Meet.
The participants discussed and reflected on various themes. The content was well accepted and received by the audience.

Below the topics and opinions expressed by the meeting participants are listed:

The history of the post-pandemic world.

–Gratitude: Young people realized the importance of gratitude in daily life and were determined to develop such a heart.

–Questions for World Reflection: Raised by questions of self-knowledge and worldview. Youth discussed the purpose of life and the attitudes they want to convey to contribute towards changing the world.

Acts of Kindness: Raised by a video summarized by the phrase, “a simple act of kindness creates an endless wave.” Young people discussed the importance of good deeds that, even though they may seem small, mark people’s lives and create an infinite cycle of kindness that may come back to you.

–Kindness: A video shown summarized by the phrase, “rich is the one who gives the most.” Young people argued about the value of money, a material resource, without genuine inner happiness, which is received by helping others.

–Break the wall: A text about the difficulties we went through in life kickstarted ideas. Young people deliberated about seeing struggles in opportunities for their growth and appreciation of their achievements. These weekly youth meetings aim to expose the participants to the vision of education and reflection of values, supporting the United Nations SDGs on Quality Education.