Four Character Education Conferences Encouraging Young People’s Potential #DR Congo

IAYSP-DR Congo organized character education on May 14, 2022, in Kinshasa City with more than 67 students of the Saint Felix School under the theme, “Development of a good personality.”

The speaker demonstrated that each person has a personality but that it must be orientated toward the well-being of others and society.

Overall impressions and feedback were great, and the school officials want IAYSP to organize regular educational activities within their school in the future.

On May 29, 2022, in Kwilu-ngongo City, to contribute to community development, IAYSP organized an exchange workshop with the youth of Kwilu-ngongo on the theme, “The responsibility of young people for a new Congo.”

The workshop consisted of awakening a sense of responsibility in the spirit of young people; called to take charge of their destiny. Likewise, they were encouraged to develop a culture of peace and live a life centred on core values.

On May 28, 2022, in Kinshasa City, 63 participants in Nzakimwena School participated in a conference from IAYSP.

The team introduced IAYSP, and its various programs, and gave a lecture on the overview of character education. The latter explained the various problems faced in society and the possible solutions offered by IAYSP-DR Congo through the character education program. Finally, the school authorities and students have greatly appreciated this program and wanted to learn more.

In Butembo, IAYSP-DR Congo organized a youth conference under the theme, “Young how to know the true self.”

During this activity on May 29, 2022, IAYSP developed touching content on the importance of learning and building a good character before and during the marriage. One hundred and thirteen people attended this event. Participants expressed their positivity toward the event, and the conference concluded with a cultural festival.