Fifteenth Peace Design Table – The Value of Fine Arts in the Peace-making Process #Angola

Moderated by Quixibo José Ngola, six young artists and one social project manager reflected in the fifteenth Peace Dialogue Table, The value of fine arts in the peacemaking process on December 8, 2020.

To enliven the Angolan and inexperienced artistic community by emphasising the need for greater involvement in the exercise of citizenship through the visual arts, showcase how their visual arts works can assist in the process of peacebuilding and peacekeeping.

1- They will revisit the Angolan collective memory from the pre-colonial period to the present day and depict them in works of art.
2- Encourage plastic artists to develop projects that inspire the value of remarkable figures who can contribute to the building of peace in Angola.
3- To make evident humanism, solidarity, and the high degree of empathy between people through artists’ work.