Donation Drive & Food Feeding Program for Children and Families Affected by Typhoon Odette #Philippines

Palawan Chapter organized and held another series of “Donation Drive initiatives” on February 14, 2022, at Brgy. Magara, Roxas, Palawan. These initiatives deliver essential packages to the families affected by Typhoon Odette.
Three IAYSP officers participated in this volunteering activity, which assisted over one hundred twenty households in the community.

On February 20, 2022, they organized and conducted a Food Feeding Program to provide the children with hearty and nutritious meals.

The team reached out to sixty-two children of the aforementioned barangay with a healthy breakfast, distributed hygiene kits and snack packs, and held a series of parlor games. The activity was held in partnership with the SK Federation of Brgy. Bacungan, Puerto Princesa City, UPF, and HTM Palawan.