Character Education #DR Congo

IAYSP-DR Congo organized Character Education on April 24, 2023 in Kinshasa City, Saint Montfort College in Limete.

IAYSP organized this conference under the theme, “Education and Major Challenges of the Young Girl in the Current Era.” To begin proceedings, the assembly recited the national anthem and were given a brilliant presentation by IAYSP youth. After this brief presentation, the main speaker, Mrs. HANHWA NGUVULU Katrine introduced the theme of the day while first emphasizing the important role of today’s young girl—tomorrow’s mother—and explained that today’s young women must emancipate themselves but only by relying on an education centered on societal values as well as educate themselves based on in-depth courses to embody the famous saying, “educating a woman is educating a whole nation.” To close her speech, she demonstrated that if today’s young women do not learn self-control and do not position herself through guidance based on models and inspiring benchmarks, then a once hopeful young women has the potential to bring ruin to the nation.

This conference was attended by the Deputy Director General of the Special Fund for Promotion, Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment (FSPEEJ), Mr. Rodrigue Victor NYANGI, who did not hesitate to encourage the young girl students by saying that the young girl is talented but also needs support, which is why he has made a commitment to provide two ambitious students with university scholarships once their secondary studies have been completed. He focused on three key pieces of advice to the young audience, “Knowing how to choose, knowing how to do and knowing how to be which refer to character.” After a question-and-answer session, the rector of the school represented thanked the organizers, and students expressed their feedback and thoughts on the event. It should be noted that for the closing, the national anthem was once again sang before taking images that will immortalize the activity while repeating the basic values of the IAYSP: Responsibility, Integrity, Service, Empathy.