Character Education #DR Congo

There were more than 13 projects related to Character Education in the Democratic Republic of Congo in September. There were around 1,175 participants in total, counting that in some of the schools there wasn’t just one visit here is a resume of each one as a way to address the cooperation and work we had in and from each school to make it possible.

– As part of the character education course, there was teaching at elementary, middle and final grades in high school. It was the first day of the 2022-2023 school year. The teachers and the students exchanged experiences they had during the holidays centred on the content received on character education, and there was a presentation on IAYSP. It was a great time when everyone opened their hearts, and the new students enjoyed the course.

– The young people of the Muthiri district in the city of Butembo met once again in the context of coaching and promoting young talents and the true values of young people. The sharing centred on the origin of human conflict.

The trainer highlighted that the origin of conflicts is selfishness by privileging individual interests. To remedy this problem, we must develop true (brotherly) love between us for the integral development of the group. President Urbain gave a brief message, and there were some artistic performances.

– A conference took place to teach young people the fundamental challenges of the current education through the AIJEP at the Galaxy school complex, with young pre-finalist and finalist students. The theme was, “Education and young people in the current context of globalization.” The conference raised the context of today’s education fixated on the acquisition of scientific and technical skills for material progress and its dangerous disregard for moral and spiritual values.

To create change, they spoke about the need for a balanced education system. Especially, the content centred on God must remain noble and at the centre of our intellectual education. In the end, the young people wished to change their perception of education. Two participants confirmed their membership with IAYSP to develop their education.

Former high school president, Mr Nephtaly, gave positive impressions that the conference was interesting, and went well, so we are honoured to participate in the next one. That’s why IAYSP intends to come back soon for another theme and interact with lower-grade students.

– Within the character education course, there has been instruction at the elementary, middle and senior high school levels in the course outline, definition and purpose of education, character and the meaning of a successful education. The course was positively received, and the number of students increased in each class. The impression was also good since the students were very calm and attentive.

– To conscientize the youth, IAYSP Kinshasa held an exchange workshop with the theme, “Find your purpose, change your life,” which took place in the commune of Mont-Ngafula. The speaker advocated that every young person must have a goal in life that captivates him. He explained that this necessity is as if there is no dream or goal close to our hearts, the human being is not different from other creatures that exist.

To realize these dreams requires practice, developing trust in oneself, using these talents and working with passion. Finally, the speaker demonstrated that money should not be at the centre of our dreams but to help in achieving them – emphasizing that our dreams must be turned towards others.

– Within the framework of the day dedicated to the character education campaign, IAYSP held a conference in a school on the fifth grade of the students from humanities. The theme focused on the practical definition of goodness. The speaker explicitly explained to the students that a person of character lives for others and urged them to be good children who live for the wellbeing of others, who are family and society.

– As part of the day dedicated to the character education campaign, IAYSP in Kinshasa held a conference with the students in the 6th year of primary education.

It focused on the fact that our dreams must serve the well-being of others, and this must pass by sacrifice.

The speaker explained the importance of having a dream and realizing it for the well-being of others. He told different stories on the theme discussed, which aroused strong emotions in the students who promised to realize their dreams for the interests of others.

– As part of the day dedicated to the character education campaign, the CARP INBTP club organized an exchange on their National Institute of Buildings and Public Works campus with students on the theme, “One student, one character.”

There was the presentation of IAYSP and an overview of character education. Speakers delivered content that affirmed, to the students, the importance of this education and its application for the future at a national level.

The students were moved for participating in such a beautiful campaign and promised to come again and support our activities.

– As part of a character education campaign and an international day celebrating peace, YSP at DYAZ school and at Rose school with primary school students centred on peace beginning with oneself. It was a way of showing young students how to develop kindness from a sense of living for others. Moved by our presentation, they asked IAYSP to spend some time there.

– As part of a character education campaign and celebration of the international day of peace, YSP members at DYAZ school shared a message on IAYSP, with primary school students centred on peace on two occasions. The purpose was to demonstrate to young students how to develop kindness from a sense of living for others. Moved by our presentation, they asked to spend some time there.

On the second occasion, the subject was how to live a lasting peace and the details of the three realms of peace – peace with oneself, peace with others, and peace with my environment. Touched by the message, they expressed their gratitude by asking us to visit again from time to time.

– As part of the campaign on character education, a conference was held at the reading and cultural activities centre in BUTEMB. The participants came from political groups, universities, secondary schools, organizations of young people and two media, notably the RTNC and the RVH. Then followed a presentation on IAYSP by the leader in charge of leadership and education at IAYSP, Jeroboam Azole.

After a gold feather group presented a poem on peace, the president introduced the theme of the day, “Peace begins with me.” He showcased the causes of conflicts, which lie in the human contradiction centred on selfishness and spoke on the need for character education for a responsible youth.

The following have a project to fight against global warming by planting trees in each plot in Butembo and gave messages during the activity: The president of the Urban Youth Council, the resolution of the ambassadors and promoters of peace, and their initiation school of ambassadors and supporters of peace and the environment.

In the end, there was a question-and-answer session and a family photo. There were also interviews conducted with the RTNC and the RVH.

– As part of the campaign on character education, there was an exchange with some young students on the overview of character education. We had an exchange focused on current problems related to education and the model of education. The impressions of the participants were very positive.

– As part of the character education campaign, there was a presentation on IAYSP and a follow-up of an intervention based on the character education overview. They showed the situation of the Congolese youth, the problems of the current education system, and a palliative and curative solution that IAYSP offers to this situation. An exchange of questions and answers took place immediately afterwards. Moved by this activity, the institution’s representative or the prefect of studies spoke to encourage the initiative.