Character Education #DR Congo
IAYSP DR Congo organized Character Education with five hundred twelve participants on May 29, 2021, in Kinshasa across: Soleil School, Saint Felix School, and the city of Kindu.
Intending to instill a culture of peace and pure love within the school environment, the first conference of character education focused on the theme, “What does it mean to be good?” It was directed at finalist students in Soleil School, with forty-eight students.
For the finalist students of the Saint Felix School, IAYSP presented the synoptic of character education based on the first six chapters, encouraging young students to cultivate peace and pure love in the community school with sixty-four people.
And through its Kindu branch in Maniema province, YSP co-organized with the Kasuku Institute a cultural day with the theme, “Awareness of students facing the attitude of young people.” The objective was to make young students aware of the kinds of behavior necessary to adopt in the face of the rise in juvenile delinquency.
The audience was consisted of students and teachers from nine different schools in Kindu, with four hundred people attending the program.