Campus Life Week #France

The Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (USN) organized an integration week for students so that they could become acquainted with the different associations present within USN and elsewhere. The Student Life Office has invited IAYSP France to participate on October 10 and 14, 2022.

During this Campus Life Week, there were sports demonstrations, film screenings, debates, concerts, and various sales.

It was a great opportunity for IAYSP to meet other associations of the Sorbonne Nouvelle – Italie Nouvelle, EMA, Débattre en Sorbonne, Hystérique*, Paris Vision Libre – and become aware of their activities, vision, and objectives. The YSP team’s main goal was to present the association with a welcoming back to students at the university campus after two years of confinement.

On Friday, October, 14, the YSP team organized a treasure hunt with two other student organizations – the BVE and BDE. Through this, the freshmen could discover the university through a new perspective.

It was a great experience since the team could witness that each association involved unique aspects to offer to young people and students. Besides the Ferrero Rocher given out by the Italy Nouvelle student association, the Oasis cans and Nutella pancakes handed out by the BDE, or the bread offered by the EMA bae,  the point that resonated with the YSP team was that part of the associations’ objectives was harmony, love, and peace, despite the cultural and linguistic differences. After all, Sorbonne Nouvelle is the “University of Cultures.”