2023 Peace Designers’ Global Action #IAYSP Philippines

2023 Peace Designers’ Global Action #IAYSP Philippines

The International Association of Youth and Students for Peace-Pilipinas, together with the University of Rizal System, joined together in conducting the 2023 Peace Designers’ Global Action in the Philippines. The event highlighted the project, “Nature’s Breath, Education, and Innovative Research Development and Demonstration Hub” throughout August 22–24, 2023 and was held at the University of Rizal System, Morong Campus, Rizal, Philippines. The event convened 32 youth peacebuilders, leaders from IAYSP Korea, and students from the university.

The three-day event was conducted to provide a platform for biodiversity partnership, enhancement, conservation, and stewardship through applied research, community engagement, and the growth of a thriving biodiversity network. Moreover, the event was held in celebration of International Youth Day. This activity supported the UN Sustainable Development Goals: #13 Climate Action, and #17 Partnership for the Goals.