S!NERGY x Angola & Youth Heroes’ Awards

On November 14, 2020, YSP Angola held the ‘Youth Heroes Award’ and the ‘S!NERGY’ program.

The judges’ table was composed of the following dignitaries: Dr. Ariana Ortet, Director of Finance and adviser to IAYSP Angola; Dr. Márcia Pimentel, Ambassador for Peace and University Professor and member of the Education Directorate of YSP Angola; Dr. José Carlos, businessman and appointed Ambassador for Peace by YSP Angola; Dr. Joaquim Moreira Rodrigues, representative director of IAYSP Angola and Director of the Luziada University in the province of Cabinda; and President of IAYSP Angola, Manuel Chibuinge Baveca.

Complying with the IAYSP regional plan, YSP Angola created activities that were imperative to this program being held.
The event attracted talented young people, dreamers, and innovators who are concerned with the well-being of others and are willing to help solve problems in the nation, continent, and world. They are young people who are the hope and future leaders of Africa.

The event started at 6 pm in Angola, with the opening remarks made by the MC, the General-Secretary of IAYSP Angola, Mr. Domingos Aleluia Rufino.