World Mental Health Day #Moldova

On October 11, 2021, IAYSP Moldova, together with UPF Moldova, organized an online event, with the title World Mental Health Day, with forty-seven participants attending.

Among the guest speakers, some spoke about the mental health role and the influence of young people in their promotion including:

The President of the National Youth Council of Moldova, Nicolai Kelesh; Senior consultant in Community Mental Health, Doctor of Psychiatry and Narcology, Jana Kihai; and Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, and University Assistant at the Department of Psychiatry Narcology and Medical Psychology, Andrei Eșanu gave congratulatory remarks.

The winners of the essay contest, Peace Starts with Me, which took place between September 10 – 21, were also announced at this conference. It was dedicated to the International Day of Peace and to the organisation founders, who made the event possible and are promoters of peace in the world.

One hundred and one young people from different parts of the country attended the event, inspired to bring peace to their hearts and share this with others. After careful analysis of the evaluation commission, according to specific criteria, ten awardees were chosen. These young people received diplomas and cash prizes. Other contestants received merit diplomas, and three teachers received gratitude diplomas for inspiring the young people to participate in the contest.