Third Peace Design Table – Afforestation #Angola

IAYSP Angola hosted a Peace Designer seminar on December 15, 2020.
Ambassador Nádia Rodrigues and nine elected Young Peace Makers reflected on the theme, Afforestation: Green streets – long life (SDG 13).

The problem found was atmospheric heating in the urban district of Zango.

The participants were guided to answer three questions:

  1. Why arborize?
    Because it can help the population in that district improve their health and several situations that endanger their lives.
  2. How to do it?
    As YSP Young Peace Makers, resolutions can include planting trees by running an afforestation campaign.
  3. Who will participate?
    The Peace Makers themselves; approach the local community and other volunteers and promote the need for action.

In conclusion, a real and viable solution to this problem is collective participation. The process is ongoing and would involve the community in nurturing and monitoring the trees’ growth from an early age, which will lead them to create concrete action plans for the future.