The Distinction of the Comedian, LAJAGUAR, as Youth Hero #Burkina Faso

IAYSP Burkina Faso arranged the nomination of Youth Heroes Awards for the young comedian LAJAGUAR at the Cenasa conference in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Mr. Yaméogo Wendyam Séverin, known artistically as LAJAGUAR, is the founder of the association of young volunteers called, “The Vagabonds of Sanitation” who lead a mission of cleaning public spaces such as health centers and sports fields.

Following his numerous achievements during 2020 – 2021, LAJAGUAR won the Youth Heroes Award from the Sub-Regional level competition and was decorated on Sunday July 25, 2021. This event took place at Cenasa in the presence of more than four hundred thirty-one participants – VIPs, traditional chiefs, businessmen, ambassadors of peace, recognized national singers, Ms. Yénnega, members of his association, IAYSP, his family, and friends.

At the end of the meeting, an IAYSP presentation was given by Sub-Regional President of IAYSP Northwest Africa, Mr. Wilfried Diarra. Subsequently, the Secretary-General of UPF Burkina Faso described the role and mission of the Youth Heroes Awards in the construction of a peaceful nation.

As a sign of gratitude, LAJAGUAR, while adhering to the ambitions of IAYSP, committed to accompanying the youth in the promotion of activities for peace.

Towards the end of this ceremony, the two leaders of the participating two organizations, IAYSP Burkina Faso and The Vagabonds of Sanitation, sealed a partnership by signing protocols to work together cohesively to support their efforts to continue developing and creating peace.