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Thanksgiving Hot Meals Giveaway in Oakland, California #USA – IAYSP

Thanksgiving Hot Meals Giveaway in Oakland, California #USA

On Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021, the YSP-SFP leaders helped to coordinate volunteers to aid the B.A.S.I.C Ministry with their hot Thanksgiving meal giveaway they hold for the Oakland Community. The local IAYSP Coordinator, Gabby von Euw, shared a report and words from herself and the volunteers referring to how they had an incredibly meaningful experience through this service project and were reminded about the value of being able to serve.

The following is the report provided by Gabby von Euw, Bay Area YSP-SFP Coordinator:
“This year for Thanksgiving, as young adults, we went out to support Pastor Mustafa in their tradition of starting Thanksgiving day in appreciating life by giving freshly cooked meals and clothing items to the community in Oakland on Edes Street”.

Pastor Mustafa shared with us the importance of serving and putting others first on a day such as this – and that when going out to attend and give the clothing items and hot meals, we should go out with the heart of loving the people. He reminded us of the heart of service.
We went around introducing ourselves and sharing our points of gratitude before concluding the inspiration and preparation moment with songs. Then we began.

People from the community came by, and we filled their plates with food and love and passed out clothing items. It was a joyous time serving food, handing out clothing, and having meaningful conversations while getting to know others volunteering alongside us.”

“Serving Thanksgiving meals with the B.A.S.I.C Ministry today was one of the most meaningful experiences I had this year. What moved me the most was before serving, the pastor told the volunteers that he considers all of us volunteering in the service project to be part of his tribe. A tribe of people willing to do the Love work, and that is what makes us a part of his family.
These words were meaningful, especially on this day of giving thanks to God, to be reminded that there are people who do not have immediate family to celebrate with, but that life provides family through community and through “tribes.” I felt so much love serving and seeing people be served and feel love through a meal made specifically for each person.
Thank you to the B.A.S.I.C Ministry for allowing me to serve and to the YSP group for the invitation to serve.”

“I am grateful to spend my Thanksgiving morning volunteering for the service project organized by Pastor Mustafa, Lady Jenell, and the whole B.A.S.I.C. Ministry. I was touched by their consistent effort to pour into the community from the most basic needs to the needs of our spirit.
To be able to provide full hot meals and clothing for a neighborhood in Oakland was an honor and privilege in itself. Having the opportunity to give to others because we have been given is the true spirit of Thanksgiving.
I believe that the service of any civic, religious, or educational leader does not remain in just the four walls of their office, church, or university, but needs to flow out in direct touch with the people of their local community.”