Social Activity in Celebration of the International Book Day #Brazil

Chat about reading in the participants lives and its importance
On May 2, 2021, IAYSP Tocantins organized a social activity at the Maria Rosa Square, located at the Maria Rosa community in Palmas. In attendance were fifteen participants – ten children and five IAYSP volunteers.
This work was done to commemorate World Book Day; which is officially celebrated on April 23.
The objective of the activity was to promote the value of reading and encourage family reading. Especially during the pandemic, most children became disinterested in literacy due to a lack of encouragement from their parents and inadequate support from schools. Palmas is a poverty-stricken community and some of the families are in precarious conditions. Therefore, the volunteers conversed with the guardians of each child and explained the importance of giving parental support to connect their children’s literacy competency.
IAYSP collected and donated fifteen children’s books. The team and participants also shared in discussion about reading in our lives, its importance, and played interactive games based on the stories read together. The goal of these interactive games based on the readings was to highlight reading through an enjoyable lens.

Children expressing themselves through art based on stories read together