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Presentation of Character Education and Big Muxima projects to the Mama Muxima Center #Angola – IAYSP

Presentation of Character Education and Big Muxima projects to the Mama Muxima Center #Angola

YSP Angola, in partnership with the NGO Big Muxima, held a workshop, which took place within the scope of an integrated project for the Reception Centers (orphanages – nursing homes), Mama Muxima Center with the live streaming transmission.

YSP Angola and the NGO Big Muxima initially presented the following projects: Character Education, Program 15 20, and Square Foot Garden (SFG) at the Mama Muxima Reception Center. But these projects will be implemented in two more reception centers (Lar de Nazaré Generoso and ASCA Ingombota-Luanda).

The Vice-President of YSP Angola reminded the trainees that, “Donating is the greatest communication”.
Ambassador José Carlos da Silva told the participants, “You can make your dreams come true, but you need to choose the right path – YSP Angola and the NGO Big Muxima are here to help”.
At the end of the workshop, the President of YSP Angola underlined, “To live for the sake of others is the purpose of human existence.”