Partners conference and S!NERGY 2020 kick off (Benin & Togo)
IAYSP BENIN and TOGO organized an online partner’s conference on 23rd of September 2020, where 283 youth attended through zoom and Facebook.
One of the purposes was to commemorate International Peace Day by sharing the Peace perspective of IAYSP. Something that We can shape or build together by cultivating it within ourselves, in our families, and our environment.
The second perspective was to share and engage all our partners in the Peace Designer Program and S!NERGY 2020 Succes. The mayors and also the Director of Volunteer, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Center of the University (CVERI) and Abomey-calavi University (UACT) highly appreciated the program.
The three following youth organizations joined the conference:
Africa Health Light, Youth Movement for Peace Of Togo, and Association of Celestial Christian Church represented respectively by M. Aubin Djahounkpa President, Johannes MAKOUVIA President, and Seigneur ADJIBI, Vice President. Also, having the participation of UACT, represented by Professor Euloge OGOUWALE, who is also the Director of CVERI and Cities represented by their Mayors (Aguegues by Hon Mayor Marc Gandonou and Sakete by Mayor Nestor IDOHOU).