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Mother’s Day Event #Suriname – IAYSP

Mother’s Day Event #Suriname

A Mother’s day event, in collaboration with WFWP Suriname, was held on May 14, 2022. We physically convened with thirty-one participants, which included twelve guests. Nine mothers participated, and five of them came together with their families. One of the guests was Mrs. Florence Wangsabesari-Jamin, who is a member of UPF Suriname and WFWP Suriname, and the Director of the Surinamese Pencak Silat Association.

The program consisted of: video presentations about WFWP and YSP, a reading of the memoir of the founder of IAYSP by Mrs. Wangsabesari, entertainment, distribution of cards and flowers to the mothers, testimonies by a mother and a child, and cake cutting. The program concluded with a group photo. Through this event, the mothers will be more involved in participating in activities of WFWP and YSP.