Meeting of YSP Kalasin with Five Schools #Thailand

IAYSP Kalasin organized a meeting with five schools:

1. Muang Kalasin School
2. Somdej Pittayakom School
3. Kuchinarai School
4. Rongkham School
5. Nongkungsri Wittayakarn School.

The hosts were Mr. Saman Sukjit, Vice-President; Ms. Thammachart Ammarthin, and Ms. Wannika Srihawong.

The purpose of this meeting was to greet YSP members, sending encouragement and nostalgia to everyone in attendance. Many of the younger members have completed their secondary education and are about to undertake tertiary studies in various provinces. Some of them are still in high school.
There are proposals to create excellent activities with all, by inviting YSP children to sing songs of encouragement to those struggling with the COVID-19 situation and record videos with YSP youth members to send encouragement to everyone through means of social media.