Literary encounters with the Syrian Author Hamed Abboud #Austria

“Der Tot backt einen Geburtstagskuchen” (the death is backing a birthday cake).

On October 17, 2019, BUP Verein and YSP Austria co-organized a reading by the Syrian Author Hamed Abboud. The author read extracts from his book “Der Tot backt einen Geburtstagskuchen” (the death is baking a birthday cake) in Arab and his friend recited in German.

In his book, Abboud tells stories of his real-life experiences, such as his three-month journey from Syria to Austria as a refugee and his first months at the refugee camp in Burgenland. The audience, which consisted of thirty people, was really moved by his stories. Abboud has a talent for combining emotional narratives with humor, which makes for light and easy listening.
In the second part of the program, Abboud presented some extracts from his new book “In meinem Bart versteckte Geschichten” that will be published soon.

After the reading, the audience could ask questions and talk with the author during the buffet, which was organized by the BUP Verein. Thank you Hamed for sharing his story with us and the BUP Verein for organizing.