Kit Distribution to Students in Precarious Situations #France

On October 30, 2021, IAYSP France managed, for the second time, food and hygiene kit distribution to students in precarious situations. In the framework of this second distribution, they approached a Congolese food bank based in France. This particular food bank recovers unsold food from several stores in the city.

For this second activity, we had thirty students registered – out of the thirty registrations, eleven students were able to make the trip. Indeed, this day was a heavily rainy day, which restricted the movements of everyone. Despite the weather conditions, we had an increased participant rate compared to the first activity held on May 29, 2021. Some of the recipients from the first activity came back to accept donations once again.

The participants were able to exchange with most of the recipients, and the recipients expressed their gratitude and encouraged IAYSP to continue the initiative. IAYSP is thinking about changing how they undertake activities such as this by making them more regularly occurring. Discussions with food banks are underway.