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Instagram Live: The Importance of the Environment for Human Development #Brazil – IAYSP

Instagram Live: The Importance of the Environment for Human Development #Brazil

IAYSP-Alagoas (AL) organized an Instagram Live on June 13, 2022, on the topic, “The importance of the environment for human development.”

This meeting focused on encouraging people to look for ways to preserve the Earth, take care of flora and fauna, and acquire more knowledge regarding sustainable consumption in all daily activities.

Now more than ever, there is an urgency to care for natural environment. Therefore, IAYSP-AL organized this “live” to bring awareness to the importance of preserving the environment so that human beings can develop well. Pedro Augusto is an Ambassador of Peace, appointed by UPF and IAYSP. He is also the founder of the “Ipê do cerrado” project, which supports reforestation.