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Inauguration of IAYSP #Cameroon – IAYSP

Inauguration of IAYSP #Cameroon

The Inauguration of YSP Cameroon took place on January 12 2019, under the theme, “The Role of Youth and Students in Creating a Culture of Sustainable Peace,” at the amphitheatre of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM). The amphitheatre is quite prestigious as it is where government administrators such as ministers, prefects and directors of state corporations, receive their training. Over one hundred six people from a variety of backgrounds attended, including: a research officer from the Office of the Prime Minister, eight student diplomats from the Cameroon Institute of International Relations (IRIC), three student administrators from the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM), twenty University Students from seven different universities in three different towns, ten high school students from five high different schools and two journalists from the national radio station.

The program began at 3:30pm with an interview of the National Executive President of UPF and the President of YSP Cameroon directed by the journalists from the National Radio Station. The inauguration ceremony proceeded with singing of the national anthem followed by an opening prayer from Pastor Abela Ngoa Alain. This was followed by a video projection introducing Youth and Students for Peace. There was a musical interlude where the “Peace Voices” group sang, “Steady My Heart.” Later on, the National Coordinator for Universal Peace Federation, Rev. Edwin Plekhanov, gave the inaugural address. There was a second musical interlude performed by a YSP member who sang, “Jailer” – a song by the famous musician ASA. After the musical break, twelve young people were nominated as Youth Ambassadors for Peace. They were nominated based on their meritorious achievements towards creating a culture of sustainable peace.

The first nominee, Jack Sentie Ngumchia, is a graduate of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM). After the nomination, a letter of appointment from YSP Africa was presented to the President of YSP Cameroon, Mr. Nchia Kamran Nuifahnui, by the National Coordinator for Universal Peace Federation Cameroon, Rev. Edwin Plekhanov. In his first official speech as President, Mr. Nchia Kamran Nuifahnui clearly stated that the vision and mission of YSP is to raise youth and students to become global citizens through character education, peace project training, and intercultural activities to create a culture of sustainable peace. Thereafter, there was a group affirmation of the pure love pledge led by the YSP Secretary-General. The installation of the YSP president was closely followed by the signing of the inauguration resolution banner. A musical dance interlude subsequently followed where YSP members displayed a dance to show the heart of true love. This was followed by congratulatory remarks and words of advice from the Research Officer at the Prime Ministry who expressed her joy of being part of this event.

The closing remarks were given by the National Coordinator for the Universal Peace Federation, who thanked everyone for coming and hoped they would work together to create a culture of sustainable peace in Cameroon. The ceremony ended with a group photo at the open amphitheatre of ENAM, followed by refreshments and sharing. By the end of the ceremony, fifty of our guests had signed the individual resolution form to become members of YSP.