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IAYSP Paraguay Inauguration Ceremony – IAYSP

IAYSP Paraguay Inauguration Ceremony

On September 21, 2018, at 8am, Youth & Students For Peace (YSP) Paraguay was officially launched.

The launch was attended by more than one hundred eighty people, including two national authorities of the cultural department. Special guest speakers were: the Minister of the National Secretariat of Culture, Lic. Rubén Capdevila; and the Director of Culture of the Chamber of Deputies, Dr. Enrique Castro. Others attending included leaders representing non-governmental organizations (NGOs), foreign dignitaries, and students from various schools.

The Cultural Director of the Chamber of Deputies, Dr. Enrique Castro, gave the welcoming message and expressed support for YSP activities. The Minister of the National Ministry of Culture, Lic. Rubén Capdevila, offered words of encouragement to the young people.

An introductory video presented the activities of YSP and its foundation by Mother Moon. Volunteers cared for the environment by planting native and wild trees, along with lectures on character education.

The President of YSP Paraguay, Lawyer Roque Antonio Benítez, spoke about the vision, mission, direction, objectives and initiatives of YSP.

In addition, the appointment of new youth directors was announced:
General-Secretary: Mr. Jong Cristofer Alegre Aguiar
Director of Education: Engineer Sergio Eduardo Fernández González

The final act involved artistic movement performed by the ballet and band of the National Secretary of Culture, who represented a picture of the Guaraní Land.