‘Homebound Acts of Service’ Challenge #USA

Finding ways to continue leading service projects during the Coronavirus social distancing mandate can be challenging, but there are many ways to be creative and innovative. To encourage young people in communities that are homebound to unearth solutions to these restrictions and find ways to serve, Youth and Students for Peace embarked upon an online challenge for people to perform an act of service for their family members or housemates.
From March 23 – 29, 2020, those who participated in this challenge posted their projects on Facebook and Instagram. There were many creative posts, including giving a parent a massage, baking dessert for the family, serving their pet as a family member, finding ways to help the neighbourhood by cleaning up litter, and making cloth masks for hospitals. Through these simple acts, no matter how small, participants practised living for the sake of others while homebound. This is, after all, the essence of service and the foundation for creating sustainable peace.
At the end of the week, two winners were chosen for the consistency and the quality of their service projects. They were posted on social media at #homeboundactsofservice.