Fourth Peace Designer Seminar Table Education and Health in Angola

IAYSP Angola organized the fourth Peace Designer Seminar Table Education and Health on December 5, 2020.

Ambassador Jose Carlos da Silva and his seven Peace Makers reflected on the theme, Education and Health in our country.

It is well established that education and health in Angola have always been neglected for many years, causing poor quality education and health problems. Consequently, poor quality education impedes opportunities in producing quality future health professionals.

Speakers discussed and shared their concern regarding:
The lack of libraries and incentive to read and the difficulty to access books and study materials. Secondly, the decreasing teaching standards across the spectrum of primary, secondary, high school, and some universities is alarming. A further notion was made that even if private educational institutions may offer slightly more effective teaching programs, the increased effectiveness is minimal and they are expensive; leaving many young people with no alternative than to resort to public education or public health. Although public education and health is free, the population has to pay for almost all other living essentials. Additionally, there is a shortage of various medical material, medicines, forcing patients and relatives to rely on purchasing in informal settings.

Angola is still impacted by under-qualified health staff that cannot adequately respond to the challenges and responsibility of healing and saving lives.