Youth and Students for the Peace Festival #Dominican Republic

On November 14, 2019, a YSP Festival was facilitated in the auditorium of USAD University. YSP Dominican Republic members visited many universities in Santiago, Dominican Republic where they explained YSPs vision, mission, goals, activities, and programs to directors and secretaries. Based on this devotion and effort, they could realize this festival in USAD University.

First, there was a cultural presentation about Japan. Many YSP international members from Japan, explained their culture and showed traditional performances to participants. Afterwards, students watched a video presentation on the vision and activities of Youth and Students for Peace.
Lic. Cesar Regalado, UPF General-Secretary in Caribbean; Dir. Jose Tavarez, General-Diretor in UASD; Mr. Hector Collado, Representative Student President in UASD; Pres. Samuel Ota Linhares, YSP Latin America President; Lic. Jake Lavina, YSP Dominican Republic President; gave speeches in celebration of this YSP festival.

After the speeches, a peace message came from Kosuke Akita. Then centering on representative students, many students in UASD pledged an oath for pure love. After the oath for pure love, there were appointments of ambassadors for peace and youth ambassadors for peace.

As a result of member collaboration, many people could participant in this event with the participation of three schools and part of the university’s student group; with a total of six hundred sixty-five guests. There was the participation of one hundred sixty-seven students from the Isabel Rosado Torres Polytechnic Lyceum, one sub-director and three professors; Santa Maria Polytechnic with one professor and twenty-six students; and La Union College with the participation of forty-five students, four professors and one director; and USAD university students.