Character Education Workshop – IEGT Training Institute #Cote d’Ivoire

On March 7, YSP Cote d’Ivoire carried out a Character Education workshop at Bongouanou under the theme, “Preparation for Marriage.” The event took place in the four hundred-seat theater of the IEGT Training Institute. Supported by Mrs. Kouame Janet, youth planned the event in collaboration with the Deputy Director of the Institute. Given the problems faced by today’s youth, especially students, a program such as this is developed for the sake of helping the participants nurture a beautiful personality and build harmonious families later in life. Based on this concept and the delivery of content, the workshop was well received in Bongouanou.

By the end of the workshop, the students had expressed their desire to assume more control and responsibility of their lives and turn away from violence and non-constructive behaviors. In training leaders of tomorrow, YSP is carrying out character education programs to guide the youth of Bongouanou to take ownership.

Present at this ceremony was Mrs. Kouame Janet, Mrs. Nsimba, Advisor to the Federation of Women, Director of Construction and his wife, Deputy Directors of IEGT, teachers and parents.

President YSP Cote d’Ivoire, Mr. Brou Jean Marie Konan encouraged the students to take the time to deeply understand the importance of marriage and how to better prepare for it. He went on to shed some light on the importance of platonic love – non sexual love – between brothers and sisters before marriage.

“It [platonic love] is not about: “No, do not do it…”, but about: “Wait a bit…”

The YSP team explained why love and marriage must be thought as matching together and why fornication, sexual relations before marriage, results in reduced happiness and increased risk. All students dearly appreciated the content. As a result, forty-four students have registered for membership and YSP chapter has opened in Bongouanou.