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Character Education Training for Teachers, School Staff, and Youth #Cameroon – IAYSP

Character Education Training for Teachers, School Staff, and Youth #Cameroon

On March 11, 2022, an IAYSP character education session was held at the Staff of God’s Time Bilingual Primary School in Ngousso-Yaounde. These lectures were part of the third session given by the Wed Director, Rev. Ndode Geoge; accompanied by Mrs. Rachel Van Iersel, Deputy President of Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) Cameroon. Fifteen staff members, including teachers and discipline masters, participated in this session. The plan is to further the partnership through signing an MOU with the primary school.

On March 19, 2022, they held a training session for members of IAYSP at PK8, Douala.

Under the supervision of Douala, IAYSP President Mr. Um Song Christian covered two chapters of the program with the participation of six youths. This workshop involves teaching practices to instruct new character education teachers, and support the minimal number of lectures currently being exhibited to eventually expand education to more places.