International Youth Day 2020 #Congo
On the occasion of the International Youth Day and the 60th Anniversary of the Independence of Congo Brazzaville, IAYSP Congo Brazzaville organized a one-day seminar on Saturday, August 15, 2020; under the coordination of the IAYSP National President Yvan Loko. Seventeen people participated at the Universal Peace Federation headquarters with the theme, “The Responsibility of Young People to Build a Brilliant and Sustainable Future in the Age of Covid-19 and Beyond”.
The meeting began with an introduction and a presentation about IAYSP’s vision and objectives given by President Yvan Loko. This was followed by a participatory inter-exchange program with the participants lead by the Vice-Coordinator of IAYSP and leader of Pointe-Noire, Hubert Senou. He concluded his presentation with a motivational video that spoke about the responsibility of young people for their future.
Then, the participants were divided into two groups for a thirty-minute activity to summarize the received lessons; with one participant per group presenting their groups findings and reporting on the insights gained.