IAYSP Inauguration #Ghana

The launching of the Youth and Students for Peace Ghana chapter, was held on August 31, 2019 at the University of Ghana; in collaboration with the National Scouts Association of Ghana, and the Association de Scout du Burkina Faso.

About two hundred young people participated in the capacity-full event. Activities such as: the Peace Seed Bequeathal, Ambassador for Peace Award, Peace Water Ceremony and Global Legacy of Peace Protocol – all initiatives of the the founders of IAYSP that are modified to the needs and aspirations of the young people in Ghana, and in line with IAYSP values – were carried out during the event. Scouts Troops in military style performances brightened and uplifted the atmosphere and these were followed by a musical presentation by the YSP Music Department.
Remarks came from Commissioner Boudi Holly, the Head of the National Scout Association of Accra, and his counterpart from Burkina Faso. Both commissioners expressed their joy over the launching of a new global association, a “new kid on the block.” Commissioner Boudi commented that, he was profoundly touched by the new and extraordinary approach on Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding module that YSP is promoting.

The two countries’ National Scouts bodies then publicly agreed to work hand-in-hand with YSP Ghana for the substantial transformation of the young people residing in these two friendly and neighboring countries.
Even the threatening rains witnessed suspended in the sky, were unable to perturb the inauguration ceremony that took place in open space. It was glaring in the atmosphere and in the presence of everyone that, a new chapter in the history of Ghana’s providence had been set in motion.