Teaching Peace in a War Affected Afghanistan 2019/11/21 Teaching peacebuilding concepts and skills as an alternative to violent extremism encourages youth to engage positively with their peers on campus. The students bring negotiation and mediation skills into their communities, whereby they can influence the dialogue among family members and neighbors, model new ways to resolve differences, and avoid the violence that has plagued their villages and communities for decades. Knowing these social needs among youth and students, YSP Afghanistan has been organizing Nonviolent Communication seminars for youth and students from different universities and high schools in Kabul. Through this ongoing program YSP is supporting Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) as well as SDG Goal 4 (Quality Education). YSP Afghanistan organized five Nonviolent Communication seminars for more than fifty youth in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2019. Categories: Peace Projects Tags: Afghanistan