ECO ART: Transforming Spaces #IAYSP Brazil 

 ECO ART: Transforming Spaces- IAYSP Brazil 

On November 2 YSP Brazil worked in partnership with the Ressavanar Association and the Planeta Vivo Project for”ECO ARTE: Transforming Spaces.” The event was organized in a community situated in Carapicuíba city, Sao Paulo. As a synergy between two areas of YSP activities—the environmental department and the Favelinda project—the action carried out together with the aforementioned partner organizations aimed to promote environmental awareness and education through practical actions together with residents for the revitalization of a passage area behind a condominium. A large amount of garbage is constantly disposed of inappropriately, polluting the space and contaminating the waters of a stream that crosses it. In addition, as locals mentioned, the poor state of conservation also makes it a place where many drug users frequent, causing concerns for the safety of people who transit there.

The activities consisted of a joint effort to clean and paint the walls of the passage, involving both volunteers from the organizations and residents of the condominium who proactively mobilized to support, providing materials, pruning trees and weeds, cleaning and participating in painting. In total, more than 40 people participated, half of whom were volunteers from partner organizations and residents. More than 200kg of garbage was collected by the end of the event and the residents were very grateful for the activity.