Fifth Peace Design Table – Mission and Development Path of the Educational System #Angola

IAYSP Angola coordinated the fifth Peace Design Table, Mission and Development Path of the Educational System on December 6, 2020.
Ambassador Alda Manuel and ten Peace Makers shared on the trajectory of the educational system in Angola.

They discussed: 1. How can the education system in Angola be improved? 2. If is it possible to include national languages in Angola’s education system? 3. What can we do as young people to improve the quality of our education?

They listed the education challenges in their country and recommendations:

– Education without quality.
– Lack of qualified teachers.
– Educational, political, and infrastructure strategies are poorly adapted to the context of Angola.
– Insufficient investment in resources (OGE).
– Low investment in human capital.
– Non-inclusive education.
– Collision between culture/tradition and the education system.
– Lack of continuous training to overcome situations involving rural communities.
– Lack of training schools for learning national languages.
– Lack of supporting bibliography in general, and specifically in national languages used for education, corruption.

– Leadership and sustainability in science.
–Allocating resources to developing well-equipped theoretical and practical spaces.
– Pedagogical, academic, and training of teachers.
– Change the school calendar in the countryside according to the sowing time and the harvest period.
– Government investing in rural communities with the implementation of agricultural industries, and farms and boosting rural business, rejecting corruption.

The dialogue was brought to a close with how to bring these solutions into practice.